I honestly can’t believe this. The metal gods are surely smiling on me today. The greatest songwriter and frontman of all time, Ronnie James Dio, will be appearing vocally on the sequel to the greatest album of all time, Queensryche’s Operation: Mindcrime, as the villain Dr. X. The announcement itself from Queensryche.com…
History is about ready to repeat itself, and in a big way. Today queensryche.com is happy to announce who the mysterious Dr. X is! It’s none other than legendary rock/metal vocalist Ronnie James Dio! These above photos, taken just yesterday, came at the conclusion of Ronnie’s vocals and thus puts the wraps on the recording of Mindcrime II.
But will the sequel live up to the original? That remains to be seen. My fear is that this will be a thinly veiled political attack. While the original did have liberal leanings it focused more on the story than the politics. If Mindcrime II focuses more on the politics then I don’t think even the metal god himself could help this album.

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