Nee trial is going through motions:
The ever-humorous attorney of Joseph Nee, Thomas Dreschler, appeared in court today with his client in an attempt to get the venue changed. He complains that media scrutiny has been too intense against his client. I’ll have to take his word for that since I’m not there. However, I do have to take issue with this statement made by Mr. Dreschler…
Drechsler also said that the media has maintained too strong a focus on Thomas Nee, Joseph’s father who is president of the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association. He said Nee has been frequently referred to as “the son of a powerful police patrolman.”
“He’s (Nee) an extremely visual person for reasons completely unrelated to this case,” Drechsler said. “He has no relation to this case other than that of a concerned parent.”
I disagree Mr. Dreschler. I think he has a lot of relation to this case actually. Well, at least the fact that he’s not only a Boston cop but also the head of the Patrolmen’s Association is very relative to the case. Mr. Dreschler keeps saying how Tobin Kerns has a criminal record but Joe Nee does not. Yet I’ve heard rumors of alleged criminal behavior that was swept under the rug due to people in a position of authority. I’m sure it has been but if it hasn’t it needs to be investigated to see if Joe Nee ever received special treatment by law enforcement because of his father’s position.
No date has been given on when the judge will decide.