Tag: stabbing

  • Eric Schorling sentenced

    Judge hands Romeo teen who stabbed ex-girlfriend stiff sentence:

    Eric Schorling, the teen who was convicted of stabbing Nicole Lambert in the back at Romeo High in Michigan, was sentenced yesterday to 10-15 years in adult prison…

    “In one respect you are fortunate,” Maceroni said. “Either one centimeter up or down or to either side, and Nicole wouldn’t be here today and you, young man, would have spent the rest of your life in the Michigan Department of Corrections. That’s how lucky you are.”

    You have to love a judge who tells it like it is.

    Of course, we had some humorous shenanigans from the defense attorney during the trial…

    During the trial, Garton tried to introduce evidence about the differences between the brains of adolescents and adults. He also sought to include testimony that the bullying Schorling received after he broke up with Lambert helped lead to the attack.

    “This didn’t happen in a vacuum,” Garton said of the stabbing. “If they had just separated and gone their own ways, and there wasn’t this name-calling, this never would have happened.”

    You know what the name calling was? “Nazi”. Eric Schorling had a swastika tattoo. It’s hard to muster up any sympathy a Nazi psychopath.

    At least the prosecuting attorney has some sense…

    Macomb County Prosecutor Eric Smith disagreed.

    “Sorry if I appear harsh,” Smith said. “But this girl almost died. Kids are teased every day, but they don’t go out and try to kill someone.”

    Now, where have I heard that before?

    However, the 10-15 years is not the only sentence Schorling will receive…

    Schorling still faces an additional charge relating to his escape from Macomb County’s Juvenile Justice Center. Schorling, now 17, had already pleaded guilty and was slated to be sentenced to less than seven years in prison, but that plea was withdrawn after the escape.

    You should have taken the plea Einstein but I’m so glad you didn’t.

  • More details in Jennifer Parks’ murder

    Pal’s statement: Zarate brothers plotted to slay Randolph teen:

    More information in the case of Jonathan Zarate and his younger brother who killed and dismembered Jennifer Parks…

    Two brothers plotted to lure teenager Jennifer Parks to their father’s house in Randolph, where they beat, stabbed and shared the grisly task of cutting off her legs, according to a statement given to police by a friend who tried to help the siblings dump the body.

    Recktenwald said that V.B. told her and another detective that the brothers confided on July 31 that Jonathan Zarate was communicating with the 16-year-old girl next door over the Internet and invited her over.

    “They were planning to kill her,” Recktenwald quoted V.B. as saying.

    V.B. said the brothers told him they killed Parks because she had gotten the younger brother in trouble so that he had to pay some fines. Recktenwald said the Clifton teen gave the following account, based on what the brothers told him:

    Jonathan Zarate talked a few minutes with Parks after her arrival at his home around 2 a.m. on July 30. Zarate started choking the girl. His younger brother, who was hiding in a basement closet, jumped out, started punching Parks all over her body, and then grabbed a knife and started stabbing her. The elder Zarate put a bandanna over her face to stifle her screams. Both brothers then shared the job of cutting off Parks’ legs so they could fit her body into a trunk that normally held camping equipment.

    “They cut her legs off and put her in, like, a box,” V.B. related, Recktenwald said.

    Authorities have said the Zarate brothers — who allegedly used to bully Parks over her weight and appearance –recruited the help of the Clifton friend to help them try to toss a trunk containing the girl’s body over a bridge in Rutherford into the Passaic River.

    The trio was caught by passing police officers around 3 a.m. on July 31 before the trunk could be heaved. Jonathan Zarate confessed, saying that he alone invited Parks over to watch television around 2 a.m. on July 30, after which he flew into a rage, beat her with a pole, stuffed a bandanna down her throat, stabbed her and cut off her legs. The younger Zarate –whose full name has not been publicly released because he is a juvenile — told police he learned of the murder after the fact. The Clifton teen originally gave two statements: in one, he denied any knowledge of the killing; in the second, he claimed Jonathan Zarate did the murder. His story changed on Sept. 20.

    Authorities said that the younger Zarate got in trouble several years ago when he damaged Laurie Parks’ car by throwing rocks at it. School officials also rearranged his classes in Randolph so that he and Jennifer Parks did not run into each other. The 15-year-old wound up leaving Randolph a few years ago to live with his biological mother in Garfield but was visiting his father on Old Brookside Road the weekend Parks was slain.

    Jonathan Zarate was transferred last week out of the Morris County jail to a psychiatric facility after two episodes of punching corrections officers and relieving himself multiple times on the floor of his cell. His lawyer said Jonathan Zarate admits the killing and a psychiatric defense is being pursued.

    Try the younger brother as an adult and send them both to the needle.

  • Zarate’s brother charged with murder

    New murder charge in Randolph killing:

    There’s been a major development in the ongoing story of Jonathan Zarate. To sum up 18-year-old Zarate killed 16-year-old Jennifer Parks, dismembered her body, hid her body in a trunk, hid the trunk in his dad’s Jeep for 24 hours, then tried dumping her body in the Passaic River. Now his 15-year-old brother known only as “J.Z.” has now been charged with helping his brothers commit the murder. Originally “J.Z.” was only charged with unlawful disposal of human remains and hindering apprehension…

    This afternoon, the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office served him with a complaint that charges him with being a principal or accomplice to the July 30 beating and stabbing death of the 16-year-old Parks girl.

    Assistant Prosecutor Ralph Amirata would not give many specifics on the reasons for the first-degree charge against the juvenile, but acknowledged it is at least in part based on statements provided by a 16-year-old Clifton youth, who helped the teen and 18-year-old Jonathan Zarate try to throw a steamer trunk containing the girl’s corpse over a bridge into the Passaic River. The disposal attempt was thwarted when police passed by.

    At a hearing tomorrow, prosecutors are going to ask the judge to let them try “J.Z.” as an adult.

  • Esmie Tseng revisited

    Friends argue 16-year-old girl needs help, not prison, following her mother’s murder:

    This is another story that I’ve been following here. It’s the story of Esmie Tseng, a 16-year-old Kansas girl who is accused of stabbing her mother, Shu Y. Tseng, to death. Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten a chance to post the previous entries since The Great Website Meltdown of 2005. What makes this story attention-getting is the support she is getting from friends and strangers alike who do not want her tried as an adult, which is basically what this article is about. I have yet to hear an official motive for the killing but it may be because I haven’t researched too hard. I just post dribs and drabs of what I get through the media. However, Esmie’s mom has been portrayed as this overbearing mother putting way to much pressure to succeed on her daughter…

    “Her mom leaves a note on her bed that basically said, ‘If you don’t take the state championship, we’re taking the piano away,’” Horwitz said. “(Esmie) puts in (her journal) a couple times that the only thing that defines her is piano and her escape from life is to sit down and play Bach for a few hours.”

    While her mother sounds like a control freak it’s still no reason to stab her repeatedly if that is, in fact, the motive. Unless I hear a better explanation of why she killed her mother I have no problems at all with her being tried as an adult.

  • Zarate accomplice pleads guilty

    Teen accomplice pleads guilty in body dump case:

    One of the teen accomplices of Jonathan Zarate pleaded guilty to improperly disposing of human remains and hindering apprehension. This is the 16-year-old accomplice known as “V.B.” the friend of Jonathan Zarate’s brother who is only identified as “J.Z.”. “V.B.” faces up to four years in juvenile detention. “V.B.” and “J.Z.” allegedly tried to help Jonathan Zarate dispose of Jennifer Parks’ body in the Passaic River.

  • Zarate attacks prison guard

    ‘Trunk killer’ teen erupts, blackens jail guard’s eye:

    This is a story that I’ve been following here for a while. Unfortunately, I haven’t reposted any of the previous entries since the Great Site Meltdown of 2005. Let me bring you up to speed. 18-year-old Jonathan Zarate invited his 16-year-old neighbor Jennifer Parks over to watch TV. He killed her by bludgeoning her and repeatedly stabbing her. He then dismembered her body, stuffed her in a trunk, hid the trunk in his parents’ Jeep for 24 hours, then solicited his teenage brother and a friend to help him dump the body into the Passaic River. At the time of the original postings, I got a lot of comments saying that either he couldn’t have possibly killed her or comments that attacked the victim. Well, Zarate’s latest escapade is that he attacked a prison guard unprovoked…

    Jonathan Zarate, 18, of Randolph, allegedly punched a 26-year-old corrections officer three times in the face and head as he was being escorted back to his cell after a shower Thursday at 8:30 a.m., Warden Frank Corrente said.

    “This was unprovoked. He has issues with authority and has been a management issue since his arrival,” Corrente said of Zarate. “He shows violent behavior.”

    Yeah, someone with this kind of rational behavior couldn’t have possibly killed someone. Yeah, right.

  • Dyleski enters plea

    Dyleski pleads not guilty: (Log in info)

    Nearly four weeks after his arrest, Scott Dyleski pleaded not guilty Wednesday to murder in the killing of Pamela Vitale, a former high-tech executive and the wife of a well-known local defense attorney.

    The 17-year-old, who has been charged as an adult in the crime, entered his plea as he stood in “the cage,” a metal and glass structure that is reserved for defendants in custody.

    The District Attorney’s Office has charged Dyleski with murder and assault with a deadly weapon. He faces up to 26 years to life in prison if convicted.

    Outside the courtroom Wednesday, three friends of Dyleski said they had showed up to support him. Immediately surrounded by cameras and reporters, they described him as kind and said they were shocked when they heard about his arrest.

  • Eric Schorling Convicted

    Teen convicted in knifing of ex-girlfriend at school:

    Eric Schorling has been convicted of attempted murder in the stabbing attack on Nicole Lambert in the halls of Romeo High School in Romeo Michigan. He is facing a sentence of life behind bars. He will be sentenced later this year.

  • Scott Dyleski Round Up

    I’m technically still on vacation but I’m on some downtime right now so I thought I’d post updates on the Scott Dyleski situation. One report states that Scott Dyleski went to his girlfriend’s to have sex after the murder. So if he did commit the murder of Pam Vitale that would go along way in showing his callousness towards the crime.

    Then Scott Dyleski’s mother, Esther Fielding, was arrested on accessory to murder charges. Then the charges were dropped after Fielding agreed to testify against her son. Which leads me to believe that there must be something to the charges against Dyleski since his own mother has agreed to truthfully testify against him.

    Another report states that one of Esther Fielding’s acquaintances, Kim Curiel, says that Scott Dyleski committed the murder because Dyleski’s 13-year-old border collie was struck and killed by a driver in the area and that Dyleski may have mistaken Pam Vitale for the driver that killed his dog. Even if that is true that’s even worse than the marijuana equipment/stolen credit card allegations prosecutors are using. A mistaken identity revenge killing over a dog makes him an even more mentally disturbed and dangerous individual than the original accusation.

  • Evidence Found at Scott Dyleski’s home


    I know I’m supposed to be on vacation but I thought this was important…

    Detectives found a blood-stained glove in a vehicle parked in front of the home of Scott Dyleski, the 16-year-old charged with murder, court documents say.

    The county crime lab determined Oct. 17 that Vitale was stabbed and bludgeoned by somebody wearing gloves. Investigators found the glove after Dyleski’s arrest Oct. 19.

    The warrants say investigators also found clothes soaked in “red-tinted” water in the home of a neighbor, Gerald Wheeler. He and another neighbor, Joseph Lynch, gave investigators samples of their hair.