Tag: pro wrestling

  • Official cause of death for Eddie Guerrero

    Guerrero was heart disease victim:

    Eddie Guerrero’s official cause of death has been released…

    The Hennepin County medical examiner’s office ruled Thursday that World Wrestling Entertainment star Eddie Guerrero died of natural causes related to a heart disease known as hardening of the arteries.

    Arteriosclerotic heart disease occurs when the heart vessels narrow, limiting blood flow, said Roberta Geiselhart, supervisor of investigators for the medical examiner’s office. Genetics, poor diet and smoking are common causes.

    The office also said he suffered from enlarged organs, a condition commonly linked to anabolic steroids use. He also suffered chronic pain and tested positive for pain medication, said the medical examiner’s office.

    Authorities from the medical examiner’s office said Guerrero’s heart disease and enlarged organs can’t be directly linked. They conceded that the combination took an overall toll on his body. “He’s awfully young to have [heart disease], and as his wife and I conferred … his years of drug abuse didn’t help that,” said Kathryn Berg, a doctor with the medical examiner’s office. “His body had to work harder because it had bigger organs and bigger muscle mass.”

    Again, we will miss you Eddie and my prayers and condolences go out to the Guerrero family.

  • Preliminary cause of death for Eddie Guerrero

    Past drug use may have killed wrestler:

    The cause of Eddie Guerrero’s death hasn’t been officially released as far as I know but his widow Vickie did issue a statement about it…

    The widow of World Wrestling Entertainment superstar Eddie Guerrero told the organization Tuesday that preliminary tests show he died of heart failure.

    “It was from his past — the drinking and the drug use,” Vickie Guerrero said on www.wwe.com. “They found signs of heart disease. [The medical examiner] said that the blood vessels were very worn and narrow, and that just showed all the abuse from the scheduling of work and his past.”

    If I remember correctly Eddie is being buried today, if he hasn’t been already, in a private ceremony in Arizona.

    If you go to WWE.com they are selling Eddie Guerrero commemorative t-shirts for $20 with all proceeds going to the Guerrero family.

    Vaya con Dios Eddie.

  • Eddie Guerrero found dead

    eddiegurreroWWE Wrestler found dead in Minneapolis:

    World Wrestling Entertainment wrestler Eddie Guerrero was found dead in his hotel room in Minneapolis, the organization said Sunday.

    Guerrero, 38, was found at the Marriott City Center in downtown Minneapolis. He was in town for Sunday night’s “WWE Supershow” TV taping at Target Center.

    Police were called to the hotel just after 7:30 a.m. and attempts were made to revive the wrestler, Minneapolis Police Department spokesperson Ron Reier said.

    The Hennepin County Medical Examiner was at the hotel. Additional information on Guerrero’s death was not immediately available.

    If you ever wanted to see Eddie wrestle at his best try to find tapes of the matches he had with Dean Malenko back in their ECW days.

    Eddie had battled drug and alcohol addiction before in his life. In recent years he had “turned his life over to the Lord” as they say. I hope to God that his death wasn’t drug-related.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family of Eddie Guerrero. He will be missed.

  • Road Warrior Hawk Dies at 46

    Road Warrior Hawk Dies at 46

    Road Warrior Hawk dies at age 46 at home in his sleep:

    To me, the Road Warriors were the greatest wrestling tag team of all time. They were the only tag team to hold the AWA, NWA, and WWF tag titles. Some of you may also know them as L.O.D.

    When I saw them on TV as a kid, they were the coolest. They came down to the ring with their faces painted, with shoulder pads that had spikes all over them, and their entrance music was Black Sabbath’s, Iron Man. Back then, it didn’t get much cooler than that.

    The cause of death has not been determined at this time. I seriously hope it wasn’t anything related to drugs. You hate to see your heroes end up that way. First Stu Hart and now Hawk. I hope wrestling isn’t like Hollywood and we get a 3rd.

    Hawk’s real name was Mike Hegstrand. My prayers and condolences go out to the Hegstrand family and friends.

  • Wrestler wins election and it’s not Jesse Ventura

    Wrestler wins election and it’s not Jesse Ventura

    Masked wrestler wins seat:

    You gotta love Japan. The Great Sasuke won a seat in the Iwate Prefectural Assembly. I’m not sure how that equates in American terms, whether that’s the equivalent of Congress or just a state senate. Anyway, I think this is so cool. Not only is Sasuke in incredible wrestler, but he ran for office with his mask still on….and won. And he still says that he’s not going to take his mask off, even when the assembly is in session. How cool is that? Sometimes I wish life was more like professional wrestling. Mad at your boss? Hit him with a folding chair. Anyway, Sasuke is not the first pro wrestler to be in Japanese politics. If memory serves me correctly, Japanese legend Antonio Inoki was elected to a major office in Japan.

    I hope this starts a trend in America. Just think of it. Rey Mysterio and the Hurricane in ’04. I’d vote for them.

  • The Perfect Memorial

    The Perfect Memorial

    “Mr. Perfect ” Curt Hennig found dead:

    I’ve been watching Curt Hennig wrestle since his last days in the AWA. I remember him teaming with Scott Hall before he became Razor Ramon. Then he came to the WWF as a heel, calling himself Mr. Perfect. That’s when I started rooting for bad guys.

    One of the greatest matches I ever saw was at King of The Ring. I believe it was the final round match. It was Curt Hennig vs. Bret “The Hitman” Hart. This match blew away almost every match I had seen until then. As a matter of fact, I was watching that PPV with my then-girlfriend. She kept rooting for Bret Hart so much that I eventually had to put her in The Sharpshooter. She was a little too plump for the Perfectplex.

    I even got to see him live at a couple of house shows in Philly. Not only was he phenomenal on TV, but he was even better live. I don’t remember who he wrestled. That’s how good he was.

    But the unfortunate thing in all this was there were rumors that Curt Hennig partied hard. It was alleged that his partying was what led to his being released by the WWE this past year. I seriously hope that’s not what caused his death, but I’ll be surprised if it’s not. He also left behind a wife and children. My condolences go out to the Hennig family.