Tag: cop killer

  • Tookie and Mumia

    Tookie and Mumia:

    Who would have thought? An actual informative and entertaining piece from the Huffington Post. Then again it is from Michael Smerconish whose work I’ve previously enjoyed in the Philadelphia Daily News.

    Anyway, it’s a great piece about the similarities between the case of Tookie Williams and the never-ending saga of convicted cop killing scumbag Mumia Abu Jamal. And it especially looks at how it affects Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Officer Daniel Faulkner who was killed by Mumia Abu Jamal.

    “These weeks have been very emotional for me because people have been bringing up Danny’s case out here in California,” she told me. “Last week I was driving home from work and a talk radio station was discussing Williams and Abu-Jamal, and there was Mike Farrell, saying many of the same things he has said in Danny’s case. I just pulled over and started crying. It’s been 24-years, and I am a strong woman, but it was emotional to hear it once again.”

    “I feel as though justice was done to this man who has never actually said he murdered these individuals, he denied it, he never apologized and it’s a sad thing for the families, but at least they have peace,” she said.

    She was referring to the sort of peace she still seeks.

    Now that the attention is off of Tookie maybe the Pennsylvania courts will get around to reinstating Mumia’s death sentence and hopefully give Maureen Faulkner the peace she deserves.

  • Cop killing scumbag gets yet another appeal

    Court takes up Black Panther’s appeal:

    You’ve got to be kidding me. The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has agreed to hear yet another appeal from convicted cop-killing scumbag Mumia Abu-Jamal. Why? This guy gets more appeals than the Chiquita Banana lady.

    The appeals court said Tuesday it will consider Abu-Jamal’s claims that prosecutors illegally removed blacks from the jury pool, that a prosecutor gave an improper summation to the jury, and that the judge in a previous appeal was biased.

    Seriously how many appeals can this guy get? And he gets to appeal because of a previous appeal. It’s been 24 freakin’ years since this scumbag killed Officer Daniel Faulkner. It’s been almost 2 1/2 decades. Daniel Faulkner didn’t have the luxury of 2 or more decades worth of appeals. Mumia Abu-Jamal shot him on the spot. It’s bad enough some assclown judge overturned his death sentence back in 2001. If anything should be appealed it’s that decision.

    This scumbag should have been executed years ago. It’s time for someone in the courts to actually stood up to this scumbag, reinstate his death sentence, and terminate his appeals.

  • Devin Moore Sentenced to Death

    Man Gets Death for Killing Three in Ala.:

    Devin Moore, the 18-year-old who was convicted for killing two police officers and a dispatcher, was sentenced to death. If you remember Moore’s attorneys tried blaming his actions on Grand Theft Auto. But the defense attorneys are already looking to appeal on the grounds that the video game “evidence” was excluded and the fact that the jury was all white while Moore is black. 🙄 An all plaid jury would have convicted him. He killed three cops. He deserves to die.

    Take that Jack Thompson.

  • Death Recommended for Devin Moore

    Death Recommended for Devin Moore

    Jury recommends death for Alabama man convicted in cop killings:

    The death sentence has been recommended by an Alabama jury for Devin Moore, the so-called “GTA Killer” who killed two officers and a radio dispatcher at the Fayette police station in June 2003. For those of you who may not remember, defense attorneys tried blaming Moore’s obsessive playing of the video game Grand Theft Auto on the killings. Luckily, he was convicted of the killings. The final decision on sentencing is up to the judge and is scheduled for September 30th.

    Hopefully, Alabama will live up to its reputation and execute this piece of human filth. And what do you know, Alabama still has the electric chair.

  • Cop Killer Convicted

    Cop Killer Convicted

    Video Game Player Guilty in Ala. Slaying:

    I originally told you about this story back in February about Devin Moore. He’s the 18-year-old kid who shot and killed three police officers, and when he was arrested, he said: “Life is a video game; everybody has to die sometime.” Of course, the games in question were GTA games. Which in turn prompted a lawsuit against Rockstar Games by Moore’s family, prompted by everyone’s favorite assclown Jack Thompson.

    Anyway, Devin Moore was convicted of capital murder. That means he’s eligible for the death penalty. In Alabama, that’s a very likely possibility.

    Tip to CB.

  • Cop killer death sentence overturned

    Cop killer death sentence overturned

    So I’m reading the local rag here in Charlotte and I catch an article from back home in Philly. And I have just one word to say. Un-fucking-believable.

    Some half-assed judge in Philly decided to overturn convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal’s death sentence. For those of you who may not be familiar with the case, Abu-Jamal shot and killed Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. Abu-Jamal claims he didn’t receive a fair trial and was a victim of a racist judicial system. But at no time has he ever denied shooting Daniel Faulkner. Many celebrities have come to the aid of Abu-Jamal like Ed Asner, Mike Farrel, and Rage Against The Machine.

    In a recent documentary, I saw on PBS about Abu-Jamal the evidence was overwhelming against him. A bullet from his registered gun was found in Daniel Faulkner. But liberals and radicals claim that Abu-Jamal deserves a retrial? On what friggin’ grounds? However, since Daniel Faulkner was white and Abu-Jamal was black, it must be a racist system. Apparently, this judge overturned the death sentence for his own personal motives.

    This scumbag has been glorified by some people as some sort of hero. Comparing him to the likes of Dr. Martin Luther King. Here’s the thing, Dr. King did not kill a cop.

    And lost somewhere in all this is Maureen Faulkner, Daniel Faulkner’s widow. While celebrities are coming to the aid of a convicted cop killer, where are the celebrities coming to the aid of Maureen Faulkner.

    And what really fries my ass is that Abu-Jamal has been made an honorary citizen of Paris. The same city that harbored convicted killer Ira Einhorn for years. Just one more reason to nuke France. The world has its priorities all fucked up when we’re supposed to idolize a convicted cop killer.

    Abu-Jamal will be resentenced, and he could be sentenced to death again. But as liberal as Philly is, I highly doubt it. But if there is true justice, there’s a needle with his name on it in Pennsylvania.