Tag: columbiner

  • Quartz Hill suspects’ MySpaces

    I just received a comment by a reader name Zack who says these are the URL’s of the MySpace accounts for both suspects in the Quartz Hill High plot.

    One calls himself Hydra. The other calls himself God of Fuck.

    This is who Hydra has listed as his heroes…


    Here’s who GoF has listed as his…

    Marilyn Manson, John 5, Twiggy, Charles Manson, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Timmothy Mcveigh, The Nicholes Brothers, Lee Harvey Oswald, Gene Simons, Ace Frehly, Paul Stanley, Peter Chris, Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee, Mick Mars, Brandon Lee, Alice Cooper

    And he has serial killer listed as his occupation.

    The ages on the MySpace accounts don’t match the ages of the suspects reported in the media but that could just be kids lying on the internet.

    And what I’d like to know is which came first. Were these kids allegedly bullied because they worshiped serial killers and mass murderers or did they start that after they were bullied? Because if you go around talking about how cool serial killers are you’re inviting abuse on yourself. Not that I can muster up any sympathy for them if it was the other way.

    And again…Parents?

  • Quartz Hill suspects plead not guilty

    Columbine-Style Massacre Planned:

    The two teenage suspects who were arrested for planning an attack against their school appeared in court today. Guess what they pleaded. That’s right. Not guilty. One of the kids confessed and they found bomb-making materials in one of the kid’s house and they pleaded not guilty. I get the feeling hilarity is going to ensue from the defense attorney.

    Their next court appearance will be at the beginning of January to see whether or not they should be tried as adults. I think you already know my opinion the matter. Considering they were planning to commit mass murder than kill themselves I think it’s obvious that they should be tried as adults. They’re charged with conspiracy to commit murder not conspiracy to egg someone’s house. You plan to do a big boy crime you should plan to do big boy time.

    And for those of you who say these kids need “help” and not prison, would you still be saying that if it was your daughter they planned to dismember?

  • Plot thwarted at Quartz Hill High in California

    Arrests cited in Columbine-style attack plot:

    A Major Columbine-like plot has been thwarted in California. Two teens ages 15 and 17 were arrested on Thursday for planning an attack on Quartz Hill High School in California. The plot was scheduled for Valentine’s Day 2006 because, according to the article, a song by Marilyn Manson. The kids were allegedly teased for their “goth” appearance. As we know the media has yet to get the description of “goth” right but back to the matter at hand. Both teens had attended Quartz Rock High but were transferred to other schools for discipline problems. One of those problems may have been this…

    The boys, ages 15 and 17, had been on probation in connection with a 2003 assault in which a 14-year-old boy was sodomized with a metal rod.

    So you know we’re dealing with well-adjusted individuals here.

    Here’s how the plot was uncovered…

    The purported plot came to light Wednesday when a girl contacted a Quartz Hill High vice principal and reported that the teens were planning a Columbine-type attack on the school.

    Deputies said the girl reported being told by friends that the 15-year-old did not like her and was planning to kidnap and torture her and cut off her arms and legs.

    Here’s what was found at each of their homes…

    A search of the 17-year-old’s house in Lancaster turned up ammunition, a knife and puzzles about murder and suicide, among other items, deputies said.

    Deputies recovered at the 15-year-old’s Quartz Hill residence a gas mask, carbon dioxide canisters, and pictures of Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Oklahoma City bombers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, Charles Manson, and Lee Harvey Oswald.

    Deputies also found knives, anti-government and hate literature and printed instructions downloaded from the Internet on how to make bombs.

    And before anyone starts claiming they were framed and are just misunderstood boys they basically confessed to the plot…

    The 15-year-old told detectives that the pair had been experimenting with _and had exploded – carbon-dioxide canister bombs, Molotov cocktails and light-bulb bombs.

    The boy showed investigators an injury, the result of a “propane-type pipe bomb” prematurely detonating and sending a screw through a finger.

    The boy said he was going to get guns through an unidentified friend from a pawn shop, detectives said.

    All because they were teased. Boo hoo…

    The boys, who dressed in the Goth style, characterized by black clothing, black makeup and nail polish and piercings, said they felt ostracized at Quartz Hill High, deputies said.

    “They were called names,” Detective Steve Owen said. “They didn’t like it and wanted to retaliate against them by killing them.”

    You know I wish that people, especially high school kids, were tolerant of people who are different from themselves but we can’t just wave a magic wand and make it change overnight. And intolerance is not against the law. Plotting mass murder and torture is.

    And again the age-old question needs to be asked. Where were the parents?

    Now some odds and ends…

    According to this article from the LA Times the 15-year-old had the word “hate” carved into his arm.

    I’m sure this is just a coincidence but Quartz Hill High School’s sports teams are known as The Rebels. The same as Columbine High School.

    Here are the lyrics to Marilyn Manson’s Valentine’s Day. Of course, I’m not blaming Marilyn Manson except for being a no talent hack that’s stealing Alice Cooper’s and Ozzy’s old gimmicks.

    More on this as soon as more details become available.

  • Prophetic Patrick

    Capt. Fantastic over at The Cellar found a plethora of information about Patrick Armstrong, the 14-year-old accused of killing Marlee Johnston.

    CF found a LiveJournal by an alleged friend of Patrick Armstrong. It seems like they were writing some kind of zombie story together. Sound familiar?

    Anyway, check out this entry that was allegedly written by Patrick Armstrong…

    This is also by Patrick.

    There would be no heroic moment for (name removed, see update below). She did not get a chance to fight the good fight against the zombies. For the zombie of Patrick had laid in wait in their pond, until the moment was just right, at which point he thrust out one hand, grabbed (name removed) by the ankle, and pulled her into the water. She died a soggy death, and was quickly forgotten.

    Kind of eerily prophetic considering Marlee Johnston’s body was found in a pond.

    CF also found that Patrick Armstrong’s LiveJournal used the screen name “saintmaggot”. The LJ has since been deleted but CF was able to find Armstrong’s interests through LJVIZ where some of his interests listed are Columbine, Satanism, serial killers, Anton Lavey, deviant behavior, and shotguns. And this is the kid that his defense attorney says is well-adjusted.

    If you want to see more of the “zombie story” you can go here, here, here, and here.

    Again a huge TOF to Capt. Fantastic.

    UPDATE: I had to remove the name of one of the characters in the zombie because it turns out it’s the name of an actual person. Thanks again to CF for the info. Both CF and I are now thinking could it have been possible that he was planning on killing this other person instead of Marlee?

  • Defense attorneys say the stupidest things II

    Lawyer asks for delay on freeing suspect:

    The ever funny defense attorney Walter McKee strikes again. To refresh your memory McKee is representing 14-year-old Patrick Armstrong who is accused of killing 14-year-old Marlee Johnston. Some more gems from Mr. McKee…

    McKee said Thursday that he has received new information from the investigation into Johnston’s death, and about Armstrong’s character, that could affect the decision on whether Armstrong should be returned to his parents’ care.

    McKee said Armstrong has no criminal record and should be released to his parents’ custody while the case moves through the system. In the days since his arrest, a more troubling picture of Armstrong has emerged, as Web sites believed to have been produced by Armstrong profess his admiration for the Columbine school shooters and a notorious serial killer.

    McKee downplayed the significance of the material on Thursday.

    “There are a lot of things that 14-year-olds say to other kids that would be disturbing if you took it out of context,” he said.

    Out of context? Are you kidding me? How is claiming Columbine killer Eric Harris as your hero considered out of context? The thought process of criminal defense attorneys astounds me sometimes. And they went to law school to learn how to come up with this crap.

    Some not so funny stuff came out of this article too…

    Armstrong will face different penalties depending on whether he is charged as a juvenile or an adult. Because he is younger than 18, he could be committed to a juvenile detention center until his 21st birthday. If convicted as an adult, he would face 25 years to life in prison.

    The judge would consider the seriousness of the crime, as well as the likelihood that Armstrong would benefit from treatment. In Maine, no one has been tried as an adult in the last 40 years for a crime committed when they were 14. Several defendants have been charged as adults for crimes committed when they were 15.

    Let’s hope Maine decides to end the streak. 7 years in juvenile detention is not nearly enough for a killer.

  • Defense attorneys say the stupidest things

    Attorney: Suspect had normal upbringing:

    Defense attorneys continue to make me chuckle. Take, for instance, defense attorney Walter McKee. He’s representing 14-year-old Patrick Armstrong of Fayette, Maine, who is charged in the murder of 14-year-old Marlee Johnston. He’s trying to portray Armstrong as your average American boy next door…

    The boy charged last week with killing a 14-year-old girl grew up with pets, laughed as he sat on a sled and learned to ride a horse.

    Family photographs supplied by defense attorney Walter McKee show typical childhood poses of Patrick Armstrong, now 14, of Fayette, who was arrested in the Nov. 26 death of Marlee Johnston, a neighbor.

    “People have seen a picture of him going to court and made incredible judgments about who he is and what he did. There’s far more to it than that,” McKee said. “He led a very normal, small-town life, nothing unique or out of the ordinary or disturbing. He was just a boy growing up in central Maine. He didn’t torture animals.

    “Children at 14 years old, young teenagers, often have conflict with their parents. They think bad things and they say bad things; it doesn’t mean they’re going to do it,” said McKee. “We wouldn’t expect they would act on those things. He’s a 14-year-old, not a 24-year-old.”

    Let me refresh your memory on what this all American boy allegedly said on his website

    “I hate this society and I hate most people within it,” the site reads. In a list of general interests, the site mentions skateboarding, hanging out with friends, serial killers and Columbine High School, among others. A list of heroes mentions Eric Harris, one of the gunmen in the 1999 Columbine shootings in Colorado.

    “I am very interested in serial killers and school shootings and I find it hilarious that this fact bothers people,”

    Here’s what McKee said about that…

    “These are things people say off the cuff thinking it’s funny. When you’re 14, you don’t realize how inappropriate it is when you say certain things,” said McKee.

    No, I think when you list serial killers as your heroes even at the age of 14 you know how inappropriate it is. It galls me to see people like this list killers as their heroes. When I was a kid the first serial killings I remember hearing about on the news were the Son of Sam killings. I couldn’t imagine, even at that age, going around saying, “Yeah, David Berkowitz is cool. He’s my hero. I want to be just like him.”

    But this was the funniest thing of all…

    He also said he plans to ask that Armstrong be released in the custody of his parents.

    He can’t be serious, can he? Stay tuned and I guess we’ll find out together.

  • Why is this even a question?

    Juvenile or adult? Armstrong trial forces difficult decision:

    This is an editorial about whether or not Patrick Armstrong, the 14-year-old accused of killing 14-year-old Marlee Johnston from Fayette, Maine, should be tried as an adult or not. The editorial meanders around for a bit but finally gets to its point…

    Nothing society can do is a fair exchange for what was done to Marlee, whom all describe as vibrant, joyful, caring and kind. Nothing can return her to her family and friends or replace the life she would have lived.

    That would be equally true if her killer were imprisoned for the rest of his life.

    The right answer balances many needs: the need for society to be protected from people of any age who pose a danger, the need to punish the guilty, the need to rehabilitate those who commit crimes.

    The juvenile justice system is based on the theory that children who commit even the worst crimes can grow into productive adults. That is clearly more true of younger lawbreakers than older ones.

    Considering his age, even if he is convicted as an adult, Armstrong is very likely to be released from prison while still a young man. That would make treatment and rehabilitation at least as important as punishment. That treatment is more likely at a juvenile detention facility than at a state prison.

    It is difficult to look past the anger and grief we all feel at Marlee Johnston’s death, to move beyond the need for vengeance, but the prosecutors and judge who deal with this case must do so.

    We recognize that not all the facts of this case have been disclosed. It is unlikely, but possible, that prosecutors will find information or evidence that would argue against keeping the case in juvenile court.

    Those unlikely circumstances would have to be compelling to overcome the fact that Patrick Armstrong is a boy, not a man.

    The author of this editorial is misguided at best.

  • Patrick Armstrong

    Neighbor accused

    Judge orders youth held in girl’s murder:

    14-year-old Marlee Johnson from Maine was murdered last weekend. One Patrick Armstrong, also 14, is being held in her murder. The cause of death and motive for the killing have not been released yet. It has also not been decided on whether or not to try him as an adult. Why my interest in this particular case you ask. I’ll show you…

    Hours after the killing, police were looking into a personal Web site believed to be Armstrong’s, a source close to the investigation said.

    The name, birthdate and other personal details match Armstrong exactly, though authorities have not confirmed that Armstrong is the author of the content. Pages downloaded from the site were circulating among Kents Hill School students early this week.

    The site could be interpreted as the ramblings of a troubled individual, or someone who enjoyed sharing very dark humor with friends given access to the site.

    “I hate this society and I hate most people within it,” the site reads. In a list of general interests, the site mentions skateboarding, hanging out with friends, serial killers and Columbine High School, among others. A list of heroes mentions Eric Harris, one of the gunmen in the 1999 Columbine shootings in Colorado.

    And from the second article…

    McKee said that Armstrong, who has been home-schooled his entire life, has no criminal history. But he said he was aware that police are examining a personal Internet Web site that includes some troubling references. The site is believed to be Armstrong’s and, according to sources, became part of the investigation shortly after the killing.

    On the private site, which was accessible to a small circle of friends, the author identified himself as “offensive” and hostile. Visitors who have posted comments on the site include someone claiming to be Armstrong’s sister.

    The site lists people the author “hates,” including “moronic jocks,” “bullies,” “old people,” and “little kids.”

    “I am very interested in serial killers and school shootings and I find it hilarious that this fact bothers people,” the author wrote. “I laugh at people, including myself, who get hurt, so if you ever see me lying on the ground next to my skateboard laughing, I’m probably also bleeding.”

    The site believed to be Armstrong’s lists Eric Harris, one of the Columbine shooters, as a hero.

    The kid is a mutant plain and simple. Another Harris and Klebold worshipper that decided to follow in their cowardly footsteps.

    As usual, we have a very funny defense attorney…

    Armstrong’s attorney, Walter McKee, said he will argue for his client to be released to his parents’ custody while the case moves through the court system.

    “He should be released to his mom,” McKee said. “He’s 14 years old, he’s never spent more than two nights away from home. He’s been there ever since he was a baby.

    “I know that’s difficult for everybody because it’s a small community, but it’s really appropriate with a boy that age,” McKee said.

    Which part about “He killed a girl” doesn’t he get? Killers don’t get to go home to mommy.

    More yuks from Mr. McKee…

    McKee made clear that his first job would be to keep Armstrong in the juvenile system. He said an adult punishment would be wrong for such a young person.

    “I think it’s scary,” McKee said. “It’s virtually unprecedented in the state of Maine. This means somebody 15 years old sitting in a corner of the Maine State Prison in Warren, and that’s just unheard of.”

    If an adult punishment is so wrong for a young person how do you think he feels about a 14-year-old girl who received an unsolicited death penalty? No trial, no appeal, no last meal, just death. And I’m supposed to feel sorry for a murderer that sits in state prison? I don’t think so. I don’t care about his age. He was old enough to allegedly make the decision to kill Marlee Johnston then he’s old enough to spend the rest of his life in jail.

    And once again this should serve as a warning to parents about their kid’s internet activities. Don’t believe me? How about this guy?…

    Today’s teenagers use the Internet to record their deepest feelings the way people once used private journals, said Dr. Andy Hinkins, the residency training director in child and adolescent psychiatry at Maine Medical Center and Spring Harbor Hospital.

    Whether the medium is the Web or a diary, the writer may hope that someone will find the document and do something about it, he said.

    “They can provide a psychological profile of the child,” Hinkins said. “It behooves us to be vigilant and take them seriously. It is not a normal part of adolescence to be writing such dark things.”

    Hinkins said he knows of no study that looked at what percentage of teenagers act out violent fantasies in their writing. But after the Columbine school shootings, in which the killers left disturbing letters and journals, families should not ignore them, he said.

    “I would certainly talk to the child about it,” he said. “And it would be helpful to have a mental health professional work with the family.”

    Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    My prayers and condolences go out to the friends and family of Marlee Johnson.

    A huge nod to The Cellar.

  • Birthday in Hell III

    It seems I’ve riled the mutants once again. Apparently, they’re none too happy with the birthday wishes I had for their cowardly hero Dylan Klebold. One of my sources found this posted to one of the mutant message boards…

    Look at the one at the top.

    Some people have no tolerance or compassion.

    You mean like the tolerance and compassion that two teenage mass murderers had for their 13 victims?

    Hello Kettle, the Pot is holding on line 2.

  • A challenge answered…sort of

    Yesterday I posted a challenge to the mutants to stop operating in secrecy. Well someone responded to my challenge but as usual, it was behind a locked message board. Luckily one of my readers tipped me off to it. Our favorite mutant WMD had this to say…

    Over in the trenches of the Trenchcoat Chronicles, there is a thread named https://thetrenchcoat.com/2005/10/04/why-so-secret/ Don’t bother answering. Trench allows people like jim to cast insults to his heart’s content while banishing others, myself included, for expressing opinions counter to his own. If he wants to read and post here, let him register like everyone else.

    Then the moderator by the not so original “goth” name of Ms. Bathory had this to say…

    If I found Trench on here I would instantly get rid *spits*

    So much for open discussion. You know I have no problem with goths but if you’re going to pick a screen name pick one that 50,000 others aren’t using.

    Then another moderator by the name of Jennifer had this to say…




    You know what? Now that I think about it, stay in secrecy. At least that way you won’t infect anyone else with your inanity.