
  • Jourdain trial delayed

    Jourdain Red Lake shootings trial to be delayed:

    The trial of Louis Jourdain, who was arrested in conjunction with the Red Lake shooting, has had his trial postponed…

    Originally scheduled to begin Nov. 14 in federal court in Minneapolis, the trial is now targeted to start sometime in mid-December, the source said.

    Jourdain is facing charges for his alleged role in the March 21 fatal shootings at Red Lake High School in which his cousin, 16-year-old Jeffrey Weise, killed nine people and then took his own life.

    Prosecutors have not said what Jourdain is accused of doing. Sources with knowledge of the investigation have said he is charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

  • Something Awful about William Freund

    One of my readers left a comment yesterday letting me know that someone who is believed to be William Freund posted the following message on the Something Awful Forums

    I have a problem. I live in orange county and am trying to buy hevi-shot buckshot, or just winchester if they dont have it. Im 19 Year old And Every shop I go to That has it (grants guns, Saddleback gun store,Yeti gunsmith) Claims its a waste of money and birdshot is better for personal defence.They always ask me why I want to buy hevi shot for my remington 870 home defense,Like im buying some Armour piercing bullets or something.


    Is there something against buckshot in the shotgun world, To me bird shot is like less than lethal, you use it if you want your attacked to run around after you shot him, If i have people like last halloween, Bringing out a rifle and shotting my garage and my dads leg (broke the bone and everything) I dont think birdshot will cut it.

    Basically IM asking

    1. Is birdshot ok for defence

    2. Any orange county shop that you know doesnt give you a mouth if you try to buy hevi shot buckshot.

    3.Why is buckshot like the new ak-47 barrel, its taboo.

    Im currently at work atm, And dont think I could get my dad to show his legs on the internet…So no pics,sorry.

    If William Freund, in fact, posted this it goes to show that the attack was premeditated and not something brought on by his mental illness. I’m still curious as to why he picked the Smith’s as his victims. Was it random or was there some sort of connection?

    TOF to reader Hugo.

  • More on William Freund

    Gunman posted plan: (Log in info)

    More information is coming out about William Freund the 19-year-old kid who went on a shooting spree in his California neighborhood killing two before turning his shotgun on himself.

    Another disturbing post he made on the Asperger syndrome support forum…

    “I’m going cause a lot of damage with my Remington 870,” he said in an Oct. 15 posting. “And is super heavy to whack people with. … Not I have never whacked anyone but I’m guessing that’s why its so heavy.” He went on to say in the message, “I look forward for the 870, a gun made since the 1950s In blowing some parts of me out of 2006 style with some of the latest ammo.”

    And a familiar theme is starting to emerge…

    Lonnie Pestano, a longtime Freund family friend, painted a picture of Freund as a “painfully shy” boy she met about 16 years ago. He was quick to smile and hug those nearby, and “wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Pestano said Freund’s mother spoke often of school bullying, saying that Freund was spit on and had his head put in the toilet.


    “There has been some discussion about whether Asperger’s has anything to do with what he did,” said Grover. “It sounds like he was picked on a lot and those of us with Asperger’s have symptoms that cause us to be picked on. We don’t speak in the right tone, don’t look people in the eye, we don’t read body language. Some people pick on us for that.”

    I don’t doubt that William Freund was picked on because of his condition. Yesterday I was a little more forgiving because of his condition but not anymore. Asperger’s doesn’t affect your ability to tell the difference between right and wrong. Not only that why did he choose Vernon and Christina Smith, a father, and daughter, as his victims?

    What I’m also afraid of is that if God forbid there should be any future shootings like this where the shooter claims to be bullied that they may all of a sudden contract Asperger’s.

  • Media sues to open Jourdain trial

    Star Tribune, AP sue to open Jourdain trial:

    Both the Associated Press and the Minneapolis Star Tribune are suing to have the trial of Louis Jourdain open to the public. Jourdain was arrested in conjunction with the Red Lake shootings but the proceedings have remained close since he is being tried as a juvenile.

    I’m torn on this because on the one hand, I think a trial of this magnitude should be open to the public whether the suspect in question is a juvenile or not. On the other hand, though it irks me to no end to see the arrogance of the media who think it’s their God-given right to have complete access to any and all information no matter how sensitive the information is. As much as I personally would like to see the case opened up I think the media is once again way off base. They are not entitled to know everything.

  • Rumors spark student restrictions at Red Lake

    Rumors prompt Red Lake school district to restrict movements:

    Unspecified rumors at Red Lake High School District prompted school officials to restrict student movements throughout the district today. Students were restricted to their classrooms and were not allowed to use the restrooms without an escort. School administrators were tight-lipped as to what exactly the rumors were.

  • Willaim Freund’s cry for help

    Killer Sought Solace Online:

    This is more about William Freund, the 19-year-old California kid who donned a cape and a paintball helmet and shot two of his neighbors with a shotgun before turning the gun on himself. Freund had a form of autism called Asperger’s syndrome. One of the main characteristics of Asperger’s is a problem with social interaction. On a message board for people with Asperger’s Freund wrote some disturbing and foreboding messages…

    He wrote more than two dozen online messages in October, asking for a “real life” friend and saying he was contemplating suicide. He also threatened to start “a Terror Campaign to hurt those that have hurt me.”

    The messages paint a portrait of a troubled young man struggling with Asperger’s syndrome, a neurological disorder described as a variant of autism that hampers people’s ability to interact socially. He revealed his anguish and frustration on a website,, used by people with Asperger’s.

    In a prophetic message written Oct. 16, about the “Terror Campaign,” he also said, “My future ended some time ago.” Other postings included “Everybody hates me” and “I feel like I need to kill myself.” He also disclosed that he had bought a 12-gauge shotgun and had gone online to buy ammunition.

    Members of the online community for Asperger’s tried to reassure Freund and offer suggestions, and volunteer moderators tried to find his parents.

    Their efforts failed.

    In his online profile, Freund described himself as an only child of adoptive parents, a student at ITT Technical Institute in Anaheim who enjoyed “computers, role playing, fantasy, pugs, Food, guns.” He graduated from Aliso Niguel High School in 2004, the same school as Christina Smith, who graduated in 2001.

    His online messages were filled with spelling and grammatical errors, alternately depicting a self-aware person desperately seeking help and a frustrated, angry man who wanted to lash out at others.

    On Oct. 15 he said he had tried suicide before. “Ive Tried Everythink from asphxia, To lethal gases, Inert Gases To full suspended hanging … my minds Sick With depression.”

    The next day, he said that if he made it to Halloween, he planned to equip himself with body armor, an airgun and a laser to “just scare any little kids that try to destroy my pumpkin … and guess what I have A real shotgun. It’s gona be a fun Halloween,” he wrote.

    On Oct. 19, he asked for references to a mental hospital, saying that he needed counseling and social skills training. He also said he had no friends. He wrote that he wished he had some, emphasizing it with 75 exclamation points.

    The moderators at even tried to contact Freund’s parents in order to help him…

    Alexander Plank, 19, the founder of, said volunteer moderators who monitored messages had been concerned about Freund’s postings and took action.

    “People at our site tried to contact his parents, but apparently there are a lot of Freunds in Orange County,” Plank said. There are 38 Freunds registered to vote.

    Moderators also blocked Freund from posting links to pro-suicide websites, said Plank, a freshman computer science major at George Mason University in Northern Virginia.

    After seeing articles about the weekend shooting, Plank said, he called the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. By Monday evening, some of Freund’s messages had been removed from the website.

    So basically what I think we have here is a kid with a legitimate mental illness, if you will, who didn’t get the right kind of help in time. Unfortunately, three people are dead because of it. And that’s all it should be. However, some people are going to make more out of it…

    Blake Melcher, 21, of Laguna Niguel said many students had picked on Freund since middle school. “It happens at all schools, where some kids are always picked on,” he said.

    Some people are going to hold the people who picked on Freund responsible for the deaths of Freund’s victims and Freund himself. They are not responsible. While I wish just as much as anybody that Freund wasn’t picked on it’s ultimately Freund’s responsibility due to his illness.

    I guess the question is now how he obtained the shotgun…

    In one online message, Freund said he had “no friends, all enemies” and bought the shotgun for home defense.

  • Taber shooter in same type of facility he escaped from

    Taber killer back in T.O.:

    The Taber, Alberta school shooter is back in an open-custody facility in the Toronto, Ontario area. The shooter who is unnamed by the Canadian media, but we know as Todd Cameron Smith, previously escaped from such a facility back in August. He was allowed to go to a halfway house even though Canadian authorities still believed he posed a threat to the public. At that time of his escape, Smith vowed that he would not be taken alive. Luckily he was recaptured without incident. So what do Canadian authorities do? Put him back in the same kind of facility he escaped from before. Was there no additional punishment at all for his first escape? Oh, I’m sorry, he received a suspended sentence for his escape or as they call it being unlawfully at large. What would they have done if he killed someone while he was unlawfully at large? If Canadian authorities still believe that he poses a threat to the public then he needs to be put in a secure facility.

  • William Freund

    3 fatal shootings, zero explanations: (Log in info)

    I caught this story over the weekend while on vacation. 19-year-old William Freund donned a cape and paintball helmet and went on a killing spree with a shotgun in his Aliso Viejo neighborhood in California…

    Freund is believed to have entered the Smith home through an unlocked door, and then shot and killed Vernon Smith, 45, and daughter Christina Smith, 22, Amormino said. A son, whom neighbors identified as Brandon Smith, 20, escaped from the home without being injured, he said. Vernon Smith’s wife, Denise, was at work at the time of the shooting.

    Freund then turned the weapon himself.

    No motive has been given as of yet but neighbors have described him as “the quiet type” and “a loner”.

  • Eric Schorling Convicted

    Teen convicted in knifing of ex-girlfriend at school:

    Eric Schorling has been convicted of attempted murder in the stabbing attack on Nicole Lambert in the halls of Romeo High School in Romeo Michigan. He is facing a sentence of life behind bars. He will be sentenced later this year.

  • Scott Dyleski Round Up

    I’m technically still on vacation but I’m on some downtime right now so I thought I’d post updates on the Scott Dyleski situation. One report states that Scott Dyleski went to his girlfriend’s to have sex after the murder. So if he did commit the murder of Pam Vitale that would go along way in showing his callousness towards the crime.

    Then Scott Dyleski’s mother, Esther Fielding, was arrested on accessory to murder charges. Then the charges were dropped after Fielding agreed to testify against her son. Which leads me to believe that there must be something to the charges against Dyleski since his own mother has agreed to truthfully testify against him.

    Another report states that one of Esther Fielding’s acquaintances, Kim Curiel, says that Scott Dyleski committed the murder because Dyleski’s 13-year-old border collie was struck and killed by a driver in the area and that Dyleski may have mistaken Pam Vitale for the driver that killed his dog. Even if that is true that’s even worse than the marijuana equipment/stolen credit card allegations prosecutors are using. A mistaken identity revenge killing over a dog makes him an even more mentally disturbed and dangerous individual than the original accusation.