I’ve said before I don’t do this for the recognition. Every time I get some kind of national recognition it’s usually bad. I don’t do this to become a Higher Being on The Ecosystem. I’m very happy being a Flappy Bird. I do this mostly to get a message out. A message to parents to be mindful of their children’s’ activities, online and in the real world. How many stories have we seen from Columbine to the present day where the parents had absolutely no clue what was going on in their own house? That’s why I switched the site from the black background to the beige background to make it more appealing to parents. Some days I feel like banging my head against the wall after reading story after story where it seems like parents were oblivious to their kids’ activities. But then every once in a while I get an e-mail like this…
I discovered your site after the recent murder of the parents by the 18 yo in PA. I read their online blogs, which I then followed their links to other online blogs and discovered a very frightening world used by todays youth. My only thought is the same i have read several times in your writings…where are their parents? As a parent of young children this has left me feeling a range of mixed emotions from extreme saddness, to anger, to disgust, to utter hopelessness. I have always known these things existed but to read personal diaries and blogs from first hand perspectives of todays youth really brought it front and center for me. I have read things about drug use, girls with eating disorders, sex….you name it. And not only the words….but the images!!! These kids actually have their pics up!!! I would never keep a diary growing up because I KNEW my mom would find it….not “IF”. I am just thankful to have found this now….my kids computer use is still limited to the Jumpstart games thank God! But not knowing is no excuse for parents. This is their JOB as PARENTS!!
I gave up my career to be a full time mom to my kids and after reading this I feel insanely guilty by gambling with their lives everyday that I send them off to school…..to SCHOOL for crying out loud!! It is not supposed to be this way.
Anyway, my main reason for writing this is to APPLAUD you for what you are doing. People need to be informed and as painful as reading these stories are they need to be read and burned into EVERY parents brain….they certainly are mine.
Thank You!
No Gina. Thank you. Thank you for letting me know what I’m doing is actually making somewhat of a difference and that I’m not doing this in vain. Hopefully, your e-mail can serve as a wake-up call to even more parents.
This time the pleasure was all mine.