Tookie and Mumia

Tookie and Mumia:

Who would have thought? An actual informative and entertaining piece from the Huffington Post. Then again it is from Michael Smerconish whose work I’ve previously enjoyed in the Philadelphia Daily News.

Anyway, it’s a great piece about the similarities between the case of Tookie Williams and the never-ending saga of convicted cop killing scumbag Mumia Abu Jamal. And it especially looks at how it affects Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Officer Daniel Faulkner who was killed by Mumia Abu Jamal.

“These weeks have been very emotional for me because people have been bringing up Danny’s case out here in California,” she told me. “Last week I was driving home from work and a talk radio station was discussing Williams and Abu-Jamal, and there was Mike Farrell, saying many of the same things he has said in Danny’s case. I just pulled over and started crying. It’s been 24-years, and I am a strong woman, but it was emotional to hear it once again.”

“I feel as though justice was done to this man who has never actually said he murdered these individuals, he denied it, he never apologized and it’s a sad thing for the families, but at least they have peace,” she said.

She was referring to the sort of peace she still seeks.

Now that the attention is off of Tookie maybe the Pennsylvania courts will get around to reinstating Mumia’s death sentence and hopefully give Maureen Faulkner the peace she deserves.


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