Evidence released in Bradenton killings

Police release list of evidence in Bradenton quadruple slaying:

In case you haven’t heard I’ve received some comments from people in support of Richard Henderson Jr. In case you’ve forgotten, he’s the 20-year-old who confessed to bludgeoning his entire family to death on Thanksgiving night. The general theme of the comments is that Henderson was a supportive, loyal, sensitive guy with a good heart. I guess he just wasn’t supportive, loyal, and sensitive to his own family and his good heart must have been as black as a thousand midnights…

A letter, metal pipes and a broken baseball bat were among evidence collected from the home of four family members who were bludgeoned to death, police documents released Tuesday showed.

Detectives found skull fragments inside and outside the house. A search warrant inventory listed bloody comforters found covering the four bodies and stained metal pipes and a broken baseball bat found in June Henderson’s bedroom, The Herald in Bradenton reported.

And it seems like he’s already setting up his insanity defense…

In telephone interviews from the county jail, Henderson told The Herald that he is severely mentally ill, and that his parents had been trying to get him help in the weeks before the fatal beatings.

And he shows his gratitude by beating them to death.

He deserves nothing less than the death penalty.


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