Even his own aunt says he should die

MURDERS IN MYAKKA: Aunt says Henderson should die:

How bad is it when you’re own aunt thinks you should be given the death penalty? The aunt of Richard Henderson Jr., who confessed to bludgeoning his family to death on Thanksgiving, had this to say…

The deaths of June, 82; Richard Sr., 48; Jeaneane, 42; and Jake, 11, have torn Joyce Henderson’s family apart.

“At first, when it happened, I could hear in my head Jeaneane’s voice saying, ‘Joyce, don’t kill my baby,’ ” Joyce Henderson said Saturday.

It was after a trip to the family’s home, after the cleaners did their best to remove signs of the crime, that Joyce’s compassion for her nephew cracked.

She had to hunt for documents to prove who her four deceased relatives were, because they were beaten so severely they had to be identified through dental records, fingerprints, or in Jeaneane’s case, tattoos.

“I walked outside and said, ‘No,’ ” Joyce Henderson said. “I heard Jeaneane said to me, ‘Joyce, if he killed us the way he did, he deserves to die.’ “

On top of that, I’ve already had some comments from people who claim to be friends of Richard Henderson who say he was a sweet caring individual with a good heart. (It almost made me puke to type that.) His aunt gives a different story…

Joyce Henderson and her daughter Rebekah Rogers said they remembered Richard Henderson Jr. as a spoiled and aggressive child who would hit his grandmother and always wanted his way.

Sorry but sweet individuals with good hearts don’t hit their grandmothers, threaten to slash their wife’s throat, plan to shoot up a school or bludgeon their family to death so brutally that they need to be identified through dental records and fingerprints.

If anybody deserved a date with the needle, or since it’s Florida Ol’ Sparky, it’s this scumbag.


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